A Definitive Guide to SEO for Plumbers

Written By
Joe Smith
Published On
June 21, 2022
Read Time
19 minutes read

Marketing has changed over the past few years and now more than ever, every business needs to be active online to ensure they’re getting found by potential customers. From traditional to digital, marketing has come a long way.

Plumbing is a competitive industry and to edge your competitors, it’s time to grab every advantage you can. There won’t be any denying that Google Ads or Local Service Ads are the fastest-paced way to get on the track of leads. However, it is never a long-term solution. On the other hand, SEO is the way that’s going to be with you for ages, SEO exists as long as your website exists. You might be wondering how SEO for plumbers can help your plumbing company? Let’s say when you search for “Plumbers near me” or “Plumbing Services” and you don’t even show up on the search engine, what does it mean? Probably a loss of hundreds of potential customers to your competitors? Guaranteed. That’s the problem that needs to be fixed. How is that going to happen? SEO for plumbers!

What is Plumber SEO?

Plumber SEO

Plumber SEO is the process of optimizing your website and online content to increase visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs). Well, that’s one fancy way to describe SEO for plumbers. However, in simple words, SEO for plumbers is when your plumbing company starts ranking higher on Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. for the services you’re providing by optimizing your plumbing website for relevant keywords. This can increase your chances of showing up in the search results when potential customers are looking for plumbing services near them.

How does plumber SEO Work?

To understand how plumber SEO works, let’s first learn about how search engines work. When you type in a query on Google, the search engine will look for the best results to match your query from the billions of web pages it has indexed. The search engine will then rank these results according to what it believes is the most relevant and useful to the person who typed in the query.

Now, SEO for plumbers works in a similar fashion, by optimizing your plumbing website and web content to make it more relevant and useful for the search engine and the people reading it, which in turn will result in a higher ranking on the SERP. That’s one way you can get more visibility for your plumbing company and attract more potential customers and that’s how SEO for Plumbers works.

 There are a few major factors that are involved while doing SEO for plumbers:

  • Responsive Website Design
  • On-Page Optimization
  • Technical SEO
  • Off-Page Optimization
  • Link Building
  • Local SEO

These names might sound complex and pretty new to you. Don’t worry, in this guide, we’ll walk you through every aspect of Plumber SEO to help you have a better understanding of the processes.

How SEO can help Plumbers and HVAC, business owners?

How SEO can help Plumbers and HVAC Business Owners

That’s the question most of you might have been waiting for. As of now, we already know the potential of SEO for Plumbers, we know how the process of ranking works.

Plumbing and HVAC companies heavily rely on local customers. It wouldn’t make sense for a person sitting in California looking for plumbing or HVAC services companies in New York to fix their plumbing issues like leaking pipes etc.

What would make sense for them and even for the google algorithm is to pop up relevant results for them according to their geographical location which eventually means? Local customers! 

Do you know “46% of all Google searches are local”?

For businesses such as plumbing and HVAC, SEO can be particularly effective in driving local traffic. By including relevant keywords and phrases in your website content, you can make it more likely that customers in your area will find your business when they search for services online. In addition to helping you reach new customers; SEO for Plumbers can also be used to improve the overall quality of your website. By ensuring that your site is well-organized and informative, you can give visitors a positive experience that will encourage them to continue doing business with you. With so many benefits, it’s clear that investing in SEO for plumbers is a wise decision for a Plumbing or HVAC company.

Ranking in Local Area

 To start with plumbing and HVAC SEO, you need to start targeting local queries for the local customers. Customers usually conduct a search with the city name included in order to find businesses near them.

For example, if someone is looking for “plumbers near me” or “HVAC services near me”, then Google will show the results according to their geographical location. This is where Local SEO comes into play.

 Local SEO for plumbers is a process of optimizing your website for the search engines so that when people in your locality search for certain keywords or phrases, your business shows up as one of the top results. It considers google algorithms and proximity factors to pop up search results to the geographical location of the searcher. It is a very important part of SEO for plumbers because it can help you attract more customers from your local area, which can ultimately lead to more business and revenue.

 That’s why local SEO for plumbers is crucial to secure local clients And, it can become the main factor for you to edge your competitors in terms of revenue and customers. If, once you start to outrank them in local search queries.

Improving Online Visibility

 SEO for plumbers has several benefits and improved online visibility is definitely one of them. How does it work? Through a well-structed plumbing website, relevant keyword research, rich-quality articles, and much more.

For Example, if somebody is searching online for a solution to clogged faucets or sinks and they find your blog post about it. Now, this blog post is well explained, used relevant keywords (for SEO purposes), and helped the customer.

 What happens in this scenario is;

  1. Your online visibility has increased because of the SEO you did. Meaning the searchers were able to find your content by conducting a relevant search query.
  2. Your rich content has helped the reader, which eventually increases your website authority in the eyes of customers as well as Search engines since the reader stayed on it for quite a while. The reader might even do business with you in the near future.
  3. Once your online visibility has been improved, you’re more likely to generate more and more traffic.

 That’s how SEO for plumbers can help in improving the online visibility of your plumbing company.

Generating More Leads

 If you’re ranking on top in local searches, it means your plumbing website’s online visibility has been improved.  When you make a connection between these both, what’s the ultimate goal of SEO for Plumbers could be? Generate more leads.

 Do you know “47% of clicks go to the top three rankings on search engine results pages, and 90% of all clicks happen on page one”?

All these searches and clicks for your plumbing website are basically leads generated through SEO for Plumbers.

By improving your website’s ranking on the SERP, you can make it more likely that potential customers will find your site and contact you for further information. In addition, by ensuring that your website is informative and well-organized, you can give visitors a positive experience that will encourage them to continue doing business with you, which eventually is a lead you’re looking for through plumber SEO.

Getting Started with Local SEO for Plumbers

Getting Started with Local SEO for Plumber

Local services only work with customers geographically closer to the service companies. For a plumber, a potential customer is the one living in the closest proximity rather than in a different state. So, it makes sense why Local SEO for plumbers is essential to generate leads. To get started, here are the things that need to be done:

Create Google Business Profile for your Plumbing Business:

Google business profile is the first thing you need to set up while doing Local SEO for plumbing companies. It is a free listing that allows you to manage how your business appears on Google Search and Maps. You will be asked to enter your business name, location, category, and other information.

Be sure to fill out as much information as possible so that your profile is complete. After you have created your business profile, Google will send you a verification code by mail. This code is used to verify that you are the owner of the business. This helps Google to gather all the information about your plumbing business to pop it on local search queries whenever someone searches relevant keywords.

 Optimize your Plumbing Listings:

After you have created your business profile on Google, the next step is to optimize your listings. This can be done by claiming and verifying your business listing on other directories such as Yelp, Yellow Pages, and Angie’s List. Be sure to include accurate information about your plumbing business on these listings. You should also include a link to your website so that potential customers can easily find your website.

Build Local Citations: 

Local citations are references to your business on the web. If anywhere, your business is being mentioned on the internet with information is mostly considered as a local citation. They help search engines to find and verify your business information. The more local citations you have, the more likely you are to rank higher in local search results and that’s what we are looking for with Local SEO for plumbers. How do you do it? By filling in name, address, and phone numbers – which basically is known as NAP too (We’ll explain that too). You can build local citations by creating listings on directories such as Google My Business, Yelp, and Yellow Pages, which you’ve already done before.

NAP Consistency:

NAP stands for Name, Address, and Phone number. As we told before, for building local citations, Google business profile, Yelp, etc. you need to fill in complete information about your business. What makes the difference is the consistency when all of your information completely matches on each and every platform. This act gives authority to your business website in the eyes of Google.

Ask your Clients for Reviews:

Another important factor while doing Local SEO for plumbers is the positive reviews. Google prefers reviews while ranking business locally. If your listing has positive reviews, it means your service is legit and trustable by the customers. Thus, prioritizing your local business profile in search queries. Ask your loyal and satisfied customers to leave a review about your service on directories and also on your Google business profile. One way to get it is that you can offer some kind of discount or coupon in return for the review.

Successful SEO Approach for Plumbing Business

Successful SEO Approach for Plumbing Business

Now we know what Plumber SEO is, how it works, and how it can benefit plumbing and HVAC companies to grow their business. There are many different strategies and approaches to do SEO for Plumbing businesses but how many of them are successful? A few I reckon. Don’t worry. We’ll guide you thoroughly toward a successful SEO approach for the Plumbing business. Let’s start with the first step.

SEO Optimized Website Design

SEO Optimized Website Design

 The success of SEO for any business depends on the website design. If your plumbing website is not designed considering SEO from the start, then it will be very difficult to rank higher in SERPs later on. So, what are the things that you need to consider while designing an SEO-friendly plumbing website?

  1. Responsive Website Design for Plumbers: Your plumbing website should be designed using responsive web design techniques. This means that your website should be able to adjust its layout and size according to the device it is being viewed on. Google prefers responsive websites as they provide a better user experience.
  2. SSL Secure Website: Your plumbing website should be SSL secure. This means that your website should have an SSL certificate installed on it. SSL certificates are used to encrypt data being sent between your website and the visitor’s web browser. This helps to protect sensitive information such as credit card details and passwords from being intercepted by third parties. Google also prefers websites that are SSL secure.
  3. Navigation and Ease of Access: The navigation of your plumbing website should be easy to use and understand. All the pages on your website should be easily accessible from the homepage. The user should be able to find what they are looking for within a few clicks. If your website’s navigation is easy to provide a better user experience, this is the best SEO practice for plumbers.
  4. Clean URL Structure: The URL structure of your plumbing website should be clean and easy to understand. Each page on your website should have a unique URL. The URL should include the keywords that you are targeting for that page.
  5. Create Services Pages: Each of the services that you offer should have its own dedicated page on your website. These pages should include relevant keyword-rich content that is optimized for the search engines.
  6. Location Pages for Different Areas: If you offer your services in different areas, you should create a separate page for each area. This is an important part of SEO for plumbers. Targeting different areas with unique content relevant to that area considering its atmosphere and the services you offer can impact SEO for plumbing companies.

 Keyword Research for Plumber SEO Business

Keyword Research for plumber SEO Busines

 Research is what edges professionals over amateurs. One of the major factors impacting SEO for plumbers is keyword research. To precisely know what your customers are searching for, what are the keywords being used on search engines related to your plumbing business, and what you can target according to your services in local areas. Here are the few ways you can get your keyword research done right:

  1. Perform Competitors Keywords Analysis: The first step is to find out what keywords your competitors are targeting. You can use a tool like SEMrush or Ahrefs to do this. Simply enter your competitor’s domain name into the tool and it will show you all the keywords that they are ranking for.
  2. Target Local Keywords for Service Pages: Once you have done a complete analysis of your competitors, it’s time to move on to local keywords for your plumbing business. You can use tools like Ahrefs, Moz or SEMrush, etc. to find local keywords. For service pages, you should target keywords that are long-tail and have low competition. It is beneficial to focus on them for the success of Local SEO for plumbers.
  3. Perform Keyword Research for Location pages: When it comes to location pages, you should target keywords that are specific to the location. For example, if you are targeting plumbers in Los Angeles, then you should target keywords like “plumbers in Los Angeles”, “Los Angeles plumbers” etc.
  4. Optimize for Near Me Searches: People these days search for businesses using the “near me” keyword. For example, if someone is searching for a plumber, they might search for “plumbers near me”. This is an important keyword that you should target. If Local SEO for plumbers is done the right way with optimized Near me searches, google can rank you higher in proximity searches.

 On Page SEO Optimization

On Page SEO Optimization

 After the keyword research is done, your next step is to move on to On-page SEO for plumbers. This includes optimizing different elements of your plumbing website for the search engines. Here are a few things that you need to take care of:

  1.  Target Focus Keywords in Meta Tags: The first thing that you need to do for SEO for Plumbers is to target your focus keywords in the meta tags. This includes the title tag, meta description, and H1 tag.
  2.  Headings Optimization: The next thing is to optimize your headings. Heading tags are important elements of on-page SEO and can have a significant impact on the growth of your plumbing website.
  3.  Image Optimization: Images are an important part of any website. You should make sure that all the images on your website are optimized for the search engines. This includes adding appropriate keywords in the file name and ALT text.
  4. Build Internal Linking Structure: Internal linking is essential for on-page SEO for plumbers. This includes linking your different pages with each other. This helps the search engines to crawl your website more easily and also helps in improving your website’s ranking.

Technical SEOTechnical SEO

As the name suggests, Technical SEO for plumbers focuses on the technical aspects of the website. They might not be visible to users like On-Page SEO for plumbers but they significantly play a vital role in a successful SEO approach.

  1. Generate Sitemap for all the important pages: Sitemap is a file to map out the structure of the website, content, information, and organization of the pages. It provides information to Google bots to crawl all the pages that are not yet discovered. From a prospect of technical SEO for Plumbers, Sitemaps are important.
  2. Page Speed Optimization: Next, we move on to page speed optimization. It’s a clear fact that nobody likes slow loading. Google doesn’t prefer slow websites either. Page Speed optimization is the process of making your plumbing website load faster for a better user experience as well as for SEO.
  3. Local Business Schema Configuration: Technical SEO for plumbers includes Local Business Schema. It is basically used for a business to identify itself easily to search engines as to what type of organization and what services they provide. It can help in Local SEO for small businesses to identify themselves and pop up higher in local search queries.

Link Building for Plumber SEO

Link Building for Plumber SEO

Link building is one of the most essential and difficult parts of SEO for plumbers. It includes acquiring links from high-quality websites to your plumbing website. This can help in improving your organic rankings as well as help in generating traffic to your website. Link building can be done in various ways. A few of the most popular methods are Guest posting, HARO backlinks, Brand Mentions, and Press Releases.

  1. Generate Links to improve Authority: One key factor in improving your plumbing SEO is to generate links from high-quality websites. By getting links from high-quality websites that are relevant to your business, you can show Google that your website is a credible source of information about plumbing, which can help improve authority.
  2. Get Local Links to Improve Rankings: One way to improve your plumbing SEO is to focus on getting links from local websites. That’s because search engines place a lot of importance on links from local websites. After all, they want to deliver the most relevant results to their users, and if your plumbing business is in the same city as the searcher, that’s going to be more relevant than a business that’s across the country
  3. Perform Competitor’s Backlinks Analysis: In order to truly dominate the Plumbing and HVAC SEO, it is also necessary to understand the backlinks of your competitors. By performing a competitor’s backlink analysis, you can gain insight into their link-building strategies and identify any weaknesses that you can exploit.

Content Marketing for Plumbers

As they say “Content is the King”. For a plumbing website, high-quality, informative, and keyword-rich content can generate organic traffic. People searching for plumbing and HVAC issues can visit your website which improves your website’s ranking and authority as well due to the credible information. From a marketing aspect, Content is an important part of SEO for plumbers. It not only improves the ranking but eventually connects you with potential customers who are searching for solutions and services you’re providing.

  1.     Write SEO Optimized Service Page Copies: The service pages of the plumbing website must be well written and SEO optimized. They should have proper keyword insertion to improve Local SEO for plumbers to rank higher and help in lead generation.
  2.     Update Blog Regularly: A blog is a powerful aspect of plumbing and HVAC SEO that can help you in marketing your plumbing business online. It helps you to connect with potential customers and establish your website as an authority. You can write about home improvement tips, plumbing maintenance tips, new technology in the plumbing industry, etc. which will not only present your plumbing company as credible but also generate leads for your business.

Tracking and Reporting

Tracking and Reporting

It is very important to track the progress of your SEO for plumbers. There are various tracking tools available like Google Analytics, Search Console, etc. that can help you track progress and also give insights into what’s working and what’s not. Also, if you’re working with a plumbing or HVAC company, reporting the progress to the clients on a regular basis will help in maintaining a good working relationship.

  1. Configure Google Analytics: The first step is to configure Google Analytics. You need to add the tracking code to your website so that you can start tracking the traffic. This gives you an opportunity to track the progress of your plumbing and HVAC SEO campaign.
  2. Google Search Console: Google Search Console is a free tool that allows you to see how your website is performing on Google Search. It also provides insights into the keywords that people are using to find your website, the click-through rate, and other useful data. This helps you to fine-tune your SEO campaign for better results.
  3. Analyze Performance: Lastly, you need to analyze the performance of your plumbing and HVAC SEO campaign. You can track the progress over time and identify what’s working and what’s not. This helps you to make necessary changes to improve the results and keep growing with SEO for plumbers.


Every business need SEO, and the plumbing business is no different. It is one of the most important aspects of marketing your plumbing company online. With proper SEO for plumbers, you can rank higher on search engines, generate leads and grow your business.
It takes around 3-6 months for SEO to start working for plumbers. However, it is a long-term strategy and the results keep improving with time.
The cost of SEO for plumbers depends on various factors like the size of your business, the competition in your area, the keywords you’re targeting, etc. Generally, it costs around $500-$2000 per month for a small plumbing business and $2000-$5000 per month for a large plumbing company.



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