SEO Marketing: What It Is and How to Get Started

Written By
Joe Smith
Published On
April 18, 2024
Read Time
11 minutes read

SEO marketing is a practice involving the content creation and optimization to accomplish a higher rank in Google. SEO refers to Search engine optimization, a marketing process that includes optimizing your site to remain visible on top.

When users search for anything, for example, red shoes, the content has relevant information displayed in front of that user. Therefore, marketers implement SEO or hire an SEO marketing agency to help them hit the top rank in Google.

This article will explain everything you need to know about 

SEO Marketing 

SEO marketing is a process of improving your website rankings in search engines to gain more leads and increase sales. Therefore, it remains a crucial factor in your digital marketing strategies. However, it is a time-extensive task that demands patience as well.

In addition, you must have all the experience and knowledge to perfectly execute your SEO for expected results. In case you are a new SEO marketing agency with a limited budget and expertise, we are here to help you know 

Core Components of SEO Marketing Strategies 

Core Components of SEO Marketing Strategies

To optimize your website for better rankings, pay attention to these areas 

Technical SEO 

To rank your website, the search engine has to find its pages on the web.  Therefore, it scans the page’s data to recognize the topics and identify the keywords. After this process, the search engine indexes these pages and displays them it front of the user who searches for relevant queries.

This may look simple to you, right? It means you can easily visit your website and so as google. However, it is not that easy, a web page seems different to a human and a search engine. You may find graphics, texts, and colors, while it is just a simple plain text to Google.

Consequently, if Google cannot render any part of your text, the content will remain unacceptable.

  • Links and Website Navigation: Search engines crawl sites and follow links. They don’t recognize images; they land on a specific page and use links to find and analyze your content. Therefore, set your navigation and links as text only.
  • Friendly URL Structure: Lengthy strings of words will make your URL Complex for search engines to read. Make sure that your web page URL is short and remains beyond the main keywords.
  • High page speed:  Page speed remains an essential ranking factor for Google. A slow-loading website may lose customers and rankings as well. Check your page, image size, and resolution to improve loading speed.
  • Dead Links:  Dead links navigate users to an inexistent page resulting in a poor user experience. Conduct your website audit and fix all the dead links.

High-Quality Content

Whenever anyone uses a search engine, he is looking for content and information for his particular purpose. Content has various forms including web pages, blog posts, or plain text and video as well.  It’s an essential factor that improves your website visibility.

You must know that users want fresh, unique, and quality content that is capable of solving their problems. In addition, Google utilizes content to decide how to rank this specific page. Moreover, this assists search engines in determining page length and its quality.

Based on these factors, the search engine displays your content when it is relevant to a customer query. If you do not have enough resources, hiring an SEO marketing agency can solve your problem

Keywords: Keywords are the phrases the user type in the search engine. These include anything like shoes, jackets, bags, etc. To improve your website SEO, you have to incorporate keywords into your content. Your written piece without a keyword is like a car without fuel.

Content and keyword optimization: The next step is optimizing your page content and keywords. You need to understand first, what keywords you want to your page to rank for. To optimize your page content and keywords, include your main keyword in 

  • Page title
  • URL
  • H1 Tag
  • First 100 words 
  • Meta Title 
  • Meta Description 
  • Image Files

In addition, you must consider some page optimization factors not related to your keywords. These include 

  • Content length
  • External link
  • Internal link 


After reading the above post, you may have figured out how strong your content is. Your page will not rank without authority and relevance. Search engines prefer pages having the most relevant data in response to a customer query.

The above two factors technical setup and high-quality content help increase page relevance while links play a great for raising popularity. Before going into the details let’s talk about

What is a backlink?

Links are the street between the pages, if a website mentions a link to your page, readers will navigate to yours. As a result of this process you gain a high-quality backlink, this practice is known as backlinking.

These links serve as a determining factor for your website authority. However, you must know that links possess positive and negative qualities. Gaining negative or low-quality links may impact your website rankings 

Importance of SEO Marketing 

The aim of SEO marketing is to ensure your website is both search engine and user friendly. Such a website offers numerous long-term benefits like grabbing huge traffic without using PPC. These days, you may find numerous SEO agencies offering highly recommended SEO marketing solutions to improve your website rank,

You can take maximum benefits out of their expertise to remain visible on top. 

Points Description
Seamless user experience When your website is fully SEO optimized, its pages will load faster. Moreover, navigation from one page to another will be easy for the user as well. Fast loading pages mean the user will be able to quickly read the information.
Website visibility Your website rankings in SERP (search engine page rank) plays a huge role in lead generation and sales. According to backlinko an organic ranked page receives 27.6% more clicks. While the websites on second page tends to receive fewer clicks.
Huge Organic Visitors An easy way to gain website traffic is to run a paid ad campaign. However, it is a costly option that delivers temporary results. Therefore, implementing a solid SEO marketing strategy is essential for long-term success.
  It helps user find your website and increase clicks without even spending a penny on the expensive ad campaigns. According to SEMrush, your website authority increases when you rely on organic SEO marketing solutions.
Consumer Insights Running a successful website is about known what your consumer is looking for. A well-directed SEO Strategy gives you customer insights to have a better understanding of consumer reviewing and buying behavior.

How to Develop SEO Marketing Strategies

How to Develop SEO Marketing Strategies

Knowing about SEO strategies is a plus, when your aim is to achieve high rankings in google. However, it requires developing a solid strategy that helps you remain a head of your competitors. 

Here are the important components 

Competitor Research 

As the name suggests, competitor research refers to analyzing the SEO Strategies of your competition in the market. This approach will enable you to have an upper hand over the others. If you are a solo marketer having limited budget to hire an SEO Marketing agency, you don’t need to worry.

  • Start by making a list of your competitors, especially, ones who you know well. It will help you to find keywords on which you can rank as well.
  • Audit their website structure, URL, and navigations along with other things like CTA, page design, etc. Ask yourself, how worthy their content is 
  • There are numerous SEO Tools available to conduct an in-depth audit, you can seek assistance from them. Audit your competitors’ content and primary and secondary keywords.

Know who your target audience is 

After doing competitor analysis, the next step is to understand your target audience from an SEO perspective. Evaluate their intent while doing online searches, will help you to generate user-centric content and grab more audience.

Do this by

  • Installing a Google Chrome extension like Keyword Surfer to find out some relevant keywords. Through these you will be able to do keyword research using your own browser 
  • In case you have SEMrush, use it to find out all types of user intent including informational, navigational, commercial, and transactional.
  • Look for the questions your users are asking, you can do it by exploring SERPs and feature snippets 

Produce SEO-optimized Content 

Your website content reflects the brand value and message you want to deliver. Therefore, write a piece that your users easily find and understand. Consider SEO Best practices while producing your blog, posts articles or sales copies.

  • A well-optimized content should cover user intent, and follow Search engine guidelines. In simple words it should be easy to read and display unique information 
  • Include keywords into your heading, first paragraph, and subheadings for the crawlers to recognize your web page.
  • Maintain your content structure to ensure easy navigation for the readers. It means assigning proper headings and subheadings to your content.
  • Include high-quality relevant images and videos to make it more interactive 
  • Include relevant links to other relevant pages.
  • Add a call to action to help users subscribe to your website. 

Focus on Website Technical SEO 

Usually, it requires an IT professional to evaluate the technical side of your business, However, with a little knowledge and expertise you can also fix these issues. Log into your website through the admin panel, you will find multiple options on the screen.

Below are the steps you need to follow for every single page of your website 

  • Make a title tag, and include keywords for which you want to rank your page. Please keep the length of the title tag to 50-60 characters. 
  • Generate a page description that carries your main keyword, and offers a page summary in almost 160 characters. 
  • Compress your images to ensure faster page load. For instance, if your image has a size of 3000mp reduce it to 1500mp or less.

Gain high-quality Relevant Links 

Along with on-page and technical SEO, you need to focus on your off-page as well, For this purpose you have to develop a plan to get links from relevant websites.

  • Do this by requesting website managers for backlinks. Offer them something lucrative for example rich content with added value to improve on what they are linking currently.
  • Start posting your website pages on Social Media platforms. Including your website links in email marketing is a great practice as well.

How Search Engines Operate

How Search Engines Operate

Knowing how search engines work is a great way to increase your website visitors. There are 4 stages of search 

  1. Crawling: Search engines like Google use crawlers to discover website pages by following the links and sitemaps. It means your website must have a submitted sitemap structure.
  2. Rendering: Google generates the way your page will look to the users through HTML, JavaScript, and CSS information.
  3. Indexing: In the third stage, search engines evaluate the metadata and content of your pages, and include them in the database. However, it does not mean every page of your website will be indexed.
  4. Ranking: The last but not the least step is ranking, for which all marketers strive. Google algorithms determine various signals to check a page’s relevancy. These algorithms also analyze the content quality before assigning it a rank. 

However, optimization for Google differs from optimization for other platforms like Facebook. As you only need likes comments and shares to achieve a higher rank.

Wrapping it up

SEO marketing has become an essential tool for a business to survive in the market. Some enterprises hire an SEO Marketing agency while others buy SEO marketing solutions to outperform their competitors.

Above we have explained everything from what is SEO marketing to how you can develop a solid strategy that brings more customers. Read it and establish your SEO plan to improve website visibility and rank higher than your competitors.


Why is SEO marketing necessary?

SEO (Search engine optimization) marketing is an essential aspect for your business to remain on top of Google.

How do I learn SEO?

Explore Google and you will find numerous free and paid tools to help you know everything about SEO from scratch.

Does SEO require coding?

There is no requirement for coding in SEO 

Does SEO have a future?

SEO is an ever-green industry that is super important for online marketing.


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