Video Marketing for Lawyers Guide 2022

Written By
Joe Smith
Published On
January 18, 2022
Read Time
10 minutes read

Videos are now on number one spot if we talk about engaging content, and that’s one of the reasons platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, and YouTube are seeing exponential growth. If you’re scrolling on any social media platform, you’ll find yourself watching a video in a couple of minutes; why? Because they are interactive, engaging, and expressive than written articles, infographics, or pictures.

The prime thing about videos is that they can provide the information in the best possible way, and that’s what lawyers are looking for. To engage with clients and make them understand the complex and complicated legal concepts through videos. This also helps build authenticity and trust while showing the knowledge you possess. Video marketing for lawyers is essential not just from the informational prospect but also from the marketing prospect to generate more traffic and leads.

Why use video marketing for lawyers

Why use video marketing for lawyers in 2022?

Video marketing for lawyers is now a must. According to “Optinmonster,” 84% of people are convinced to buy a product or service by watching a brand’s videos. This shows that if your content is engaging and expressive enough, it can lead you to potential customers. Traditional marketing strategies or a word-of-mouth referral approach might work for you. Still, videos dominate the marketing results through several platforms, and it can put your law firm at a disadvantage if you’re not working on digital growth of it.

Law firm video marketing can help in several ways:

Attracting Clients:  The best thing about video marketing for lawyers is that it can put your law firm on a pedestal and attract potential clients from all over the world. If you’re using video content smartly, you don’t have to go out there and spread awareness about your presence; rather, videos will do the work for you.

Increase Brand Awareness: Video marketing for lawyers can help build a strong brand value and awareness about your law firm, which helps bring more clients on board. If you have videos on your website, YouTube channel, or Facebook, people will find it out there somewhere. Because of this increased visibility, they are likely to visit your website, which is good for your business.

Lead Generation: Video marketing for lawyers is the best way to generate leads and attract potential clients to subscribe, contact, or visit your law firm or legal practice. You can offer discounts or run an ad campaign on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, etc., for lead generation through videos.

Educating Clients: Law firm marketing videos can be used as an educational tool, especially for those who want to understand legal concepts. If you produce a video and present it on YouTube, people can see it and take necessary steps like sharing their views on the subject matter, subscribing to the channel, or simply contacting you for further help.

How do Legal marketing videos build trust and help the audience? 

Video marketing for lawyers also helps build trust and authenticity as people can see you from a close angle. More than written articles or infographics, things are more transparent when they happen to live, which is why videos help build transparency and trust between clients and law firms. Videos can be used as an educational tool to show how their case will be handled in the court of law.

Legal videos also help in showing the expertise and knowledge you have, which adds a plus point to your online authority and authenticity. Lawyers talking about specific cases or sharing views on the latest happenings in the legal world is a must for people who want to learn more about it.

Strong Connections 

Video marketing for lawyers can put you in front of thousands of people, which means every now and then, your law firm might get featured on several platforms like TV, newspapers, etc. This helps in building strong connections with the elite class.

Creates Authenticity and Build Loyalty

Video marketing for lawyers helps create authenticity by showing how your law firm is working behind the scenes. It shows how decisions are taken and how things go inside the office. Creating such videos can help you build loyal customers who look for more of such content and share it with their friends and family.

Help people/audience with complicated legal issues

Video marketing for lawyers can be very helpful in explaining complicated legal issues in a simple manner which helps people understand them properly. It can also help people get instant solutions to their problems, just like they do when they’re watching tutorials on YouTube.

Platforms to consider for Law Firm Video Marketing

Platforms to consider for Law Firm Video Marketing

In order to succeed as a law firm, it’s very important for them to use lawyer video marketing. Since the internet is seeing significant growth in videos, big platforms like YouTube or Facebook have created specified sections for videos like “YouTube Shorts” and “Facebook Watch.” These platforms can greatly impact increasing the traffic and visibility of your law firm.

Here are the main Platforms that are a must for law firm marketing videos.

YouTube, YouTube Shorts: 

YouTube can be a suitable platform for your law firm to share its legal video marketing content because of the large number of people visiting it each day. YouTube has everything from tutorials, ad campaigns, reviews, and even infographics about specific legal issues, which is why people depend on YouTube and watch attorney videos when they want to learn more about a certain legal issue or when they simply want some information on it. YouTube Shorts is also recently introduced, similar to TikTok, consisting of short videos that can be used for FAQs or funny lawyer videos, etc. Optimizing and doing SEO of legal firm videos will also help you in ranking on traffic-driven keywords as well.


TikTok is an app where people can create short videos and post them on the platform. It has a variety of categories from comedy, travel, singing, etc., to even legal issues. With TikTok being one of the most downloaded apps these days, law firms should also use it for attorney marketing videos since it has millions of users every day, which helps create awareness about your law firm and the solutions you offer.


LinkedIn is one of the most suitable platforms for law firms to use for legal video marketing. People who are looking to hire a lawyer can check out profiles on LinkedIn where they can learn more about them before contacting them. You should always share relevant information with your audience to build trust and authenticity, which can be done by creating professional posts to share your expertise with people online.

Facebook and Instagram 

Facebook and Instagram are the most used social media platforms for video marketing for lawyers. People love seeing videos of law firms that can help build trust and authenticity online. Facebook is also one of the best platforms to create event pages to inform people about your upcoming seminars or workshops etc. While Instagram is getting popular with its explore videos and stories for law firms to create funny video marketing content for the audience since it is certainly one of the most popular platforms.


Being one of the most popular social media platforms, Twitter can be used to share short videos with people. You can create hashtags related to your law firm, which people are already using so that they automatically start popping up in search results. Video marketing for lawyers on Twitter is an easy way to help people understand how things work at your office and what you’re doing to help them.

Types of Law Firm Videos

Types of Law Firm Videos

There are many types of law firm videos that can be used for attorney video marketing. They include:

Short Videos answering FAQs

Short videos to answer people’s questions, such as how much lawyers cost, etc., can be posted on TikTok or Instagram Story to reach more people and educate them about the legal issues they might face.

You can upload professional-looking law firm marketing videos on LinkedIn similar to what politicians and other public figures do. You can also upload videos of your staff explaining what your law firm does and its solutions as it helps build trust and authenticity with people online. Video marketing for lawyers on YouTube can be helpful to explain how things work in a law firm or about the types of cases one works on etc.

Client Success Stories

One of the most important law firm video marketing strategies is to upload videos of your past clients talking about how the firm helped them. Videos like these will help in creating trust and authenticity among people online.

Topic-Based Discussions/ Video Interviews Experts

This is one of the best ways to educate people about legal issues they might face in the future. These videos can be recorded and posted on YouTube or Facebook Live etc., where people can ask questions during the live session itself. One can also take recordings, edit them into short clips and upload them on social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube.

Your Law firm can create educational videos to explain how things work in your office, which will help people understand more about your company. This will help them make things easier for people as most do not have the time to meet with each individual who asks these questions.

User-Generated Video (UGC) Videos

Your law firm can also record videos of your clients, users, or staff members about their experience with the company, which will help in making them more authentic and trustworthy online. You can post these types of videos on YouTube or Facebook Live, where people ask questions during the live session.

Role of YouTube in Lawyers Video Marketing

YouTube is one of the top platforms which can be used for video marketing for lawyers. There are many types of videos that can be created on YouTube, such as:

Law firms, lawyers, and other legal professionals should take advantage of these free opportunities to help people understand what they do and how it helps them. For example, suppose a law firm discusses an important case on YouTube. In that case, people might understand more about it, and they’ll eventually use the services of that law firm instead of another.

Measuring Video Marketing Results

Measuring video marketing results is important because it gives an impression of what changes need to be made to make videos more engaging and effective. Measuring can be done through several tools available that give you the statistics about the number of views, likes, engagements, etc., with your videos. It helps manage the content for further videos and gives an idea of what kind of videos people are looking for.


To conclude, it’s important for law firms to get into video marketing as it’s a very useful way of reaching out to people and building trust and authenticity among them. It helps them engage with customers and attracts new customers to their services. Law firm marketing can also create a lot of interest among people by showcasing what they do through videos on YouTube and Facebook how it helps society. Undoubtedly, video marketing is a very useful medium for law firms to drive traffic by engaging content and generating leads.




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