Dental Social Media Marketing Guide 2022

Written By
Joe Smith
Published On
February 21, 2022
Read Time
11 minutes read

It is no hidden truth that everybody needs a dentist at one point in their lives not to let their gorgeous smile fade away. But the important question is, will they be able to find you in times of need? With dental social media marketing, the answer is YES.

In this age of digital technology, marketing strategies have evolved from traditional advertising to digital marketing. According to the research conducted by “We are Social” the active social media users are 4.55 billion. The numbers speak for themselves on the exponential growth in social media engagements and their impact on digital marketing.

Dental social media marketing is one of the most effective and efficient ways to connect with people, engage with them, and establish a trustful, friendly connection with potential patients. So, how do you do it? What important factors should be considered to make it cost-effective yet impactful? Let’s find answers to all of these questions.

What is dental practice marketing?

Dental practice marketing is the marketing strategy to advertise your brand to attract new customers, increase engagements, and generate leads of potential patients. Dental practice’s social media marketing strategy is a friendly way to reach a large audience through quality content and increase brand awareness. It helps in maintaining brand reputation and building trust with helpful information that results in improvement of rankings on search engine optimization, which is also a way to generate organic leads.

Why is Dental Social Media Marketing important for Dental Clinics?

 Social Media has a large audience, which is why it has become a marketing hub for the dental industry. Dental Social Media Marketing allows you to build your brand, create awareness, attract new patients, connect with your current patients, educate people and build trust. One of the most critical factors of social media for dentists is engagement with people by helping them with questions and providing information. This interaction of valuable information can increase the reputation of dentists since it is mainly available to the public and can be read easily, and we all know there’s no match to the value demonstrating helpful interactions advertisement.

Importance of Social Media for Dental Practices

Build Your Brand

Dental Social Media Marketing is one of the essential factors for building and creating brand awareness. Professional and flawless experience for people through consistent and quality work can help create a reputable image of your dental clinic. Most of the people looking for dentists search on social media in the hope of finding the right one for themselves. Positive reviews, Patient testimonials, work ethics, friendly behavior, etc., have a massive impact on your dental practice social media marketing.

Attract New Patients

Dental Social Media Marketing is the best way to attract new patients. Many dentists struggle to attract new patients because they use traditional marketing tactics. Social Media Marketing for dentists is the right way, but how? If your social media profiles are well organized, have great infographics, daily tips to take great care of teeth, and live sessions with people to help them with questions and queries, It can attract new patients easily. If they ever need a dentist, the first name that would come to their mind would be yours because of social media influence. So, now you can retain old patients and attract new patients through dental social media marketing.

Help Your SEO

One of the benefits of Dental Social Media Marketing is compatibility with search engine optimization. Social media marketing for dentists is not only limited to social media platforms but helps with SEO ranking because Google, Bing, or Yahoo prefers well-optimized social profiles. The quality of content, positive reviews, consistency, and helpful information impact SEO in every aspect.

The Best Social Media Platforms for Dentists

Social Media has gained exponential growth over the last ten years or so; it has emerged as one of the biggest marketing hubs, if not the biggest. With that being said, social media marketing for dentists is not behind the race either. Industries like Law, HVAC, Dentists, etc., have been in the boom because everyone is looking for quick solutions and helpful information, and what’s the best way for it? Social Media Platforms.

Dental Social Media Marketing is a way to connect with people; it’s a process of engagement through quality content, live sessions, Q/As with patients. It’s an approach for building the trust and authenticity of your dental brand. What’s the best part? It’s all organic.

Now the question may arise, “What are the best Social Media Platforms for Dentists?” since there are tons of them. So, which ones precisely suit the best dental practice? Let’s get into them.

Facebook marketing for Dentists

One of the most popular and active social media platforms is Facebook. Nearly 2.91 billion people are active on this platform using it every day, according to “Datareportal“. You can do your dental social media marketing easily on Facebook with a Dental Facebook page and upload engaging content informational videos.

There’s a good chance of reaching your targeted audience using hashtags related to dental Facebook posts since Facebook now shows relatable videos with the “Watch” option recently added. It can increase the traffic, which can result in potential patients. Facebook is also a great social media platform for dentists to engage with the audience through funny dental posts and dental facts since it helps in increasing traffic through shares and reactions.

Instagram for Dentists

We all know the popularity of Instagram and how it has shown exponential growth for brands. That’s what your dental practice social media marketing needs, brand exposure. Instagram is an excellent platform for dentists to interact with their patients through videos, infographics, helpful tips, etc. Explore option on Instagram is another feature to generate traffic and lead the audience to your content using dental hashtags. It generates an organic form of traffic that is highly relevant to your dental practices resulting in potential patients.


YouTube is a great platform for dental marketing since it has a large audience. It has everything related to dental practices, from informational content to questions, from tips to reviews about different dental products; it mainly covers everything, which is exactly why you should start your dental social media marketing on a platform like YouTube. On the other hand, they recently added YouTube Shorts, which has short videos similar to TikTok. So, you can easily create original content about how to take care of your teeth, funny dental videos, tips, and tricks to keep them healthy, etc., in an engaging way to interact with the audience.

TikTok for Dentist and Dental Practices

TikTok has become a sensation in the last couple of years. It has nearly 1 billion active users on it, according to “Backlinko“. TikTok is a suitable fit for dental marketing because of the high number of active users that can easily interact with short funny dental videos or to-do and not-to-do dental videos, which is basically a trend on Tiktok. It can also help create brand awareness about your dental practice and the services you offer.

How to use Twitter to Market Dental Practice?

Twitter is one of the most popular social media platforms. You can start using hashtags about dental practice since people follow hashtags over there. Your clinic can easily pop up to the relevant people already following them. It can generate potential leads through the quality of your content, through the services you offer, and by showing how your dental clinic will help them have a bright smile.

How can dentists succeed on social media?

How can dentists succeed on social media

This is one of the questions every dentist might have in their head after knowing the best social media platforms, how to succeed? Well, there are some important factors you need to consider for dental social media marketing to be successful. Here they are:

  1. Create a professional and Cohesive brand experience: One of the first steps to starting your dental social media marketing is creating a brand in a professional and flawless way. It should be well organized — original with catchy displays and slogans because that’s how people will remember you when they talk about dental clinics or dentists. People love authenticity, and that’s how you build trust through a professional brand experience.
  2. Share Original Content: The originality of the content impresses people the most because it shows information in a very different way; it develops your brand identity. It is an essential factor for successful dental social media marketing. One of the most beneficial parts of original content is building authenticity and trust. It shows how knowledgeable you are and how you can help patients with their problems or questions.
  3. Post about current events or updates: Interaction with the audience can generate potential patients through social media for dentists. Posting current ongoing events or updates about your environment, new services, discount offers for new patients, etc., can quickly help engage with people. It is beneficial, especially for your local audience, to know about the updates on changes in clinic hours or any fundraising event happening, since social media is a quick and efficient way to update these time-sensitive issues to people.
  4. Engage and Educate the Audience: Attracting a new audience can be easily done by educational posts. Suppose you’re helping people with the information they are looking for. In that case, it’s the best way of advertising dental social media marketing. You can share tips, relevant infographics, and helpful information and engage with the audience by answering their questions through short videos, comments, uploading stories, etc. Educating the audience can also build authenticity and trust in your dental practice because it starts becoming a reliable source of information for people.
  5. Use Sponsored content to maximize reach: Using sponsored content can help maximize reach because it can generate traffic both organically and through the sponsored brand. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a brand product or service, but you can simply collab with different dental influencers, dental clinics, etc., to increase traffic to your social media platforms.
  6. Conduct Facebook and Instagram Live Sessions: Engaging with the audience through live sessions on Facebook and Instagram has become an essential part of dental social media marketing ever since the pandemic. It became an alternative and efficient solution for people to communicate with their dentists easily through live sessions on social media platforms. It’s a way of connecting with a large audience to help them provide vital information about dental practices, tips, or even a Q/A session to guide them more about how to take care of teeth.
  7. Post Consistently: Posting consistently is very important for both the audience as well as for social media platforms’ algorithms. By posting daily, there’s a huge chance to grow rapidly since these algorithms prioritize your social media account. On the other hand, it helps engage with the audience daily too. They would love to see a free daily tip or information about their dental care.
  8. Target your local audience: It’s a very important note in dental social media marketing. Always target your local audience because they are your potential patients. For example: if you have a dental clinic in New York, your best potential patients would be people from New York and not from any other corner of the country. The easiest way to target a local audience is by using hashtags of your cities, using locations, etc. It helps your dental social media marketing revolve around potential local patients.

Using Dental Social Media Marketing to bring your practice success in 2022

Dental social media marketing is the way to bring success to your dental practice in 2022 for several reasons. You can build your brand to give the audience a professional experience. Engagement through social media is comparatively way easier than any other marketing strategy because you’re directly in contact with the audience, which can eventually turn them into potential patients.

Using all these social media platforms to share your dentistry knowledge and services can lead to loyal followers. You can upload daily tips, infographics, and before and after pictures to increase the credibility of your brand and maximize traffic. It can help attract new patients and retain the existing ones. A combination of professional yet amiable social media accounts can turn these followers into patients in no time.


Social media marketing took the marketing industry like a storm. Ever since the evolution of digital technology, these platforms, with exponential growth, have become the hub of marketing. Like any other industry grooming, dentistry isn’t left behind on social media either. Dental Social Media Marketing is your perfect marketing plan for success in 2022 because of the large audience and easy interaction. It may be time and energy-consuming for many people since it requires focus, consistency, and quick responses. To solve this problem, Market Media Connect offers dental marketing services to bring you on the path to success.

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