15 HVAC Marketing Ideas To Grow Business

Written By
Joe Smith
Published On
November 16, 2022
Read Time
16 minutes read

Marketing for heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) is not an easy job, as marketing for anything goes, for that matter. 

Marketing to convince people to get your HVAC services for anything they might need will take more than just creativity: 

You need some HVAC marketing ideas from the ‘tried and tested section, ones that you know will work and won’t run the entire campaign by themselves, 

but will complement and allow the campaign to be effective in reaching the goal as prescribed by you.

 So, what are these HVAC marketing ideas, and how will these HVAC marketing strategies help you in penetrating your HVAC target market?

Let’s take a look.

The world of today, where we are now digitally connected and everything we do, we do on a phone or computer, means that your marketing bids should also reflect that. 

Digital marketing for HVAC companies is nothing new; it’s been going on since the advent of the internet, but what exactly is digital marketing should be doing to further the business of your HVAC company? 

This is what we will be discussing primarily through and through. 

Along the way, we will also delve into some air conditioning marketing ideas, and what HVAC marketing ideas will get you the best return on investment (RoI).

Let’s take a look at some HVAC marketing strategies, and how should you do marketing for HVAC companies. Then we’ll move on to some less pertinent topics.

15 HVAC Marketing Ideas To Get Results

What to do to make sure that the business coffers don’t dry up for your HVAC company? HVAC marketing, that’s right. And what exactly do you do with HVAC marketing tools? 

Well, let us take a look and run through some of the most popular strategies and tools out there that will help your HVAC business marketing.

Let’s start from the top.

HVAC contractor marketing strategies

1. Optimise Your Site For Mobile Access

The most popular way of surfing the web right now is a mobile device, we all know that. Laptops and PCs are just too cumbersome now; phones are the device to look out for. 

This means that your HVAC marketing strategy will center on this: making sure that a customer’s experience on your website using a mobile is good. 

Since there is a good chance that any person who visits your website will be doing so on a mobile device, what is the potential customer going to think when the website they access has images all over the place, and the text doesn’t even line up? 

Therefore, it needs to be of prime importance that for your first marketing bid, you ensure that your website is properly optimized for smartphone/ mobile usage, as this is going to be the primary device used to access your website. 

User experience (UX) is very important in marketing and customer satisfaction, and this will be a big point to score with the customers should you do so.

2. Strategise Your HVAC Marketing Bid

Planning is imperative: if you don’t plan, you plan to fail. That is how we think the saying goes.

Either way, strategizing your marketing bid starts off with the HVAC company deciding on what they want from this marketing effort: either more sales or simply a better digital outreach and footprint. Whatever your goal is, will eventually determine how you will proceed. 

The second step will then involve you building a plan on how to achieve a said goal; whether it’s via SEO, PPC, or adverts on social media sites, you will plan out your HVAC marketing strategy with the experts, who will advise you on what path to choose for your marketing. 

The last step will then involve budgeting: how much money you want to spend on the entire marketing program. 

Now obviously, you would want a marketing budget that not only fits in your finances but is also sufficient enough to ensure a good RoI. Because eventually, the goal will be to have finances that outcount what you initially spent on marketing.

3. Work On Your Brand’s Image

Your HVAC company has a specific image; customers, contractors, and any other firms you might be dealing with. 

That image is what pops up in the customer’s minds when they see your advert, your logo, or really anything remotely connected to you. 

So, you have to answer the question: is your brand image really good, or do you need some work on it? Most of the time, HVAC marketing is pretty conservative, with old ideals. 

For your bid to enter the digital arena, you will need to essentially rebrand or paint yourself as a 21st-century HVAC service. 

Your brand should stick with people; either name, the slogan, or anything that helps them associate the word HVAC with you. 

This way, any potential business that they might have will go straight to you. 

More than that, your HVAC marketing strategy should ensure that your HVAC company name should get plastered on the internet; everybody who’s relevant should see it and interact with it.

A lot of it will boil down to several marketing-specific processes, but you should start with brand-building first.

4. Work On Your Seo

SEO is search engine optimization, and digital marketing gurus will tell you it’s all the rage. 

A whopping 79 percent of all searches originate from a search engine, be it from Google, Bing, or whatever you have. 

And we all know nobody goes to page 2 of Google; that’s where the nuclear secrets and state secrets are. 

Therefore, as an HVAC company owner, it is of prime importance that your website ranks higher: the goal should be among the top five results on Google or any search engine. 

For that, you will need SEO. 

Good SEO practices will ensure that your website climbs to the top of the SERPs (search engine result pages) and stay at the top, therefore making it so that people will click on your website for any HVAC issues they might encounter, increasing your RoI. 

You can get an SEO team on your case and allow them to work on your website, using blogs, articles, and good and relevant keywords to drive organic traffic toward your website, which will subsequently increase your standing in the SERPs, therefore completing your SEO and allowing you to reap full benefits of your digital marketing bid for your HVAC company.

5. Use Contemporary Media For Company Outreach

You’re going to enter the digital era with newspapers and TV-length adverts? Obviously, no. 

For the generation of new viewers, the medium is now changed. 

No longer are TV adverts prominent; it’s Instagram posts now. 

Newspapers? That’s a thing of the past: we have PPC adverts now. TikTok is fast becoming a marketer’s dream; engagement is at an all-time high on social media platforms. 

Everybody is on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. 

Therefore, you need to be present wherever there is engagement. 

For this effect, you will have to use these platforms to drive engagement towards your HVAC company; use Instagram posts, Facebook adverts, PPC adverts, and short, interesting videos on YouTube or TikTok to drive traffic and engagement towards your brand. 

In the current era, there’s no better way to engage at a massive scale other than these platforms; and most of them are free and won’t charge you a thing for uploading your content there.

However, to drive engagement sometimes, you will need to pay for some posts; this should be covered in your overall digital marketing budget and these will ensure that your advert or post gets to the intended audience, loud and clear.  

HVAC company marketing

6. Ask Your Customers For Good Reviews

Aside from just SEO, local SEO is also very important if you are trying to make it in the world of HVAC digital marketing

Local SEO ensures that you are also equally visible and engaged with people within a locale as your physical establishment, or in this case, your HVAC company. 

Local SEO will also result in faster conversion of leads into actual business; since people prefer to engage a business that’s within their reach and within a certain vicinity. 

Now, for local SEO to kick in, you need a different strategy, one that differs from regular SEO in its implementation. 

One of the facets of local SEO is reviews; Google and other search engines tend to prefer businesses with good local reviews; nobody wants to suggest a business with a prickly owner at the expense of losing their own customer. 

Therefore, if you have a good service, and people compliment you for that, you can always ask them to leave good reviews on Google Maps, Yelp! or other aggregators. 

This will help immensely with your HVAC digital marketing and will also increase your exposure since this is considered a part of passive digital marketing.

7. Use PPC Or Local Service Adverts For Increased Outreach

PPC is pay-per-click adverts, which are, well, pretty self-explanatory. 

Basically, the model ensures that the firm behind the advert gets to pay the fair share; therefore, every advert that receives a click from the user, is a paid advert. 

It is not only quite cost-effective, but it also leverages the latest in targeted marketing techniques and algorithms, thereby making for a very sought-after and popular digital marketing tool. 

Your HVAC business can also utilize and successfully leverage PPC adverts for greater digital outreach and business lead conversion; not to mention, a cost-effective way of doing digital marketing, which is already pretty famous for its ‘going easy on the wallet. 

You can further complement it with LSAs: these are local service adverts that show up relative to the search query and the user’s location. 

If you are located in say, New York, these LSAs will ensure your advert shows up whenever somebody searches for HVAC professionals or services within a predefined area. 

And since the user is then more likely to go there, you will have completed a business transaction. 

Using PPC and LSAs simultaneously will exponentially increase your business and lead generation, not to mention revenue.

8. Make And Maintain A Google My Business Profile

Google My Business is Google’s business suite of tools that digital marketers and business owners alike use to monitor and run their businesses and their related digital marketing metrics. 

It is quite a useful tool, and among its many uses is the fact that Google My Business profile and page is integrated with many other services and tools provided by Google; for instance, many people, before visiting a location or a business, tend to check out the reviews and the location.

Google Maps does that both; displays the location and tells you what the people think of it through reviews. 

That’s the same deal with Google My Business; it collects and collates a lot of data from the entirety of Google and helps business owners run their business and digital marketing bids all from there. 

A good HVAC marketing bid will have you make and maintain a Google My Business profile since it will help you run your business with ease and monitor all the important metrics from the ease of a single console or dashboard. 

Then, you can always promote your Google My Business profile and watch people throng in, since it would be a great way to increase your digital outreach and digital presence, both of which are important to build and maintain for digital marketing.

9. Use Targeted Local Seo To Penetrate Your Audience

We’ve talked about local SEO beforehand; it would be important to point out that getting reviews isn’t local SEO, rather it has other points that go beyond local SEO but also have a very good effect in penetrating your target audience. 

Now here comes our point: you can use local SEO to target your intended audience since it operates on the same procedures of targeted marketing. 

You can only communicate your message to the right audience when you know which is the right audience; with local SEO, you can then target and penetrate them with ease. 

Local SEO uses advanced targeting algorithms and techniques, which makes it the perfect tool to be used for getting to the audience. 

Using tools and techniques like geotargeting, you can penetrate any audience that you might have targeted as the optimal one for your HVAC marketing bid. 

With local SEO, targeting is precise and pinpointed; there’s no spillover or any other effect.

Adverts that have been targeted at the audience will only show to those users identified as part of that specific demography; this is another reason why PPC works so well with local SEO.

10. Use Email Marketing To Increase Lead Generation

Many people are convinced that email marketing is dead; long gone for good. We like to keep an open mind and open eye, and for that matter, email marketing is not dead. 

In fact, it is still one of the most prevalent forms of digital marketing out there; more people respond positively to email marketing bids than any other type. 

We can’t wait to skip a YouTube advert and you can immediately spot an advert on a website, looking way too out of place. 

Email marketing is subtle, and if done right, can yield very strong results, which is why not only is it not dead, we think a dab at its popularity is unjustified. 

Either way, you can use email marketing for your HVAC company to increase the business leads coming towards your firm. 

But the important part here is to understand that email marketing works only when done right:

an important factor in this regard is the subtlety of email marketing; once a person gets to know the email they’ve received is automated, 

It’s game over and Google itself will dump you into the dreaded Spam folder. Therefore, do proper email marketing and your HVAC marketing will get a big boost.

Marketing ideas for HVAC companies

11. Track, Report, and File All Leads You Get

Documentation is equally important during a strategy; be it sales or marketing, and digital marketing is no different. 

Lead generation is a fast-paced business; you get one lead, work on it, materialize it or lose it, and move on to the next one. 

But here’s the important part: for there to be a gauge of how good your HVAC digital marketing bid has gone; you need to quantify. 

And you can start by tracking, reporting, and filing the leads you get. This way, you can quantify in terms of numbers how well your HVAC digital marketing has gone. 

If your goal was more leads, did it pay off? Gauging the reaction, you get is equally important; if you don’t know how the marketing fared, you can never know what went right and what wrongs need to be rectified. 

This way, you can objectively look at the feedback that you get.

12. Invest In Software Application For Lead Generation

This point is not mandatory for small businesses or HVAC firms just starting work; albeit if you have grown to a certain extent, you can look into an application that does the menial work of lead generation for you. 

This way, the work is streamlined and smoothened out, and it gets easy to track and file a business lead for your HVAC firm. 

Now, as software applications go, these can do a range of things; Salesforce is a popular CRM software that does much more than just filing leads and whatnot. 

Many software will also do the lead bidding for you through an automated process; those are the most expensive ones to run and maintain. 

But that’s not all: the goal with this point again is feedback. Gauging and analyzing feedback is important, and feedback from a marketing bid is equally important. 

For that, getting a software application on hand is very necessary and could potentially benefit you a lot.

13. Increase Efficiency By Using Multiple Marketing Channels

Complementing an already existing strategy or tool with another tool multiplies efficiency and betters the results you can get from the combined strength of multiple channels. 

Digital marketing, especially HVAC digital marketing is no different: multiple channels including SEO, local SEO, PPC, LSAs, and social media platform marketing can work in conjunction to give your HVAC marketing effort a big boost and get you closer to your goal. 

Therefore, it is always a good idea to boost your HVAC marketing by running and utilizing multiple digital marketing channels at once: using the list and many more tools we haven’t listed simultaneously to make sure that any corner that’s left is reached by any or all tools. 

PPC usually covers Google; you can use LSAs to ensure any potential lead comes to you. SEO reinforces all, whereas your digital outreach will benefit when you engage social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, etc.

14. Pay Close Attention To Marketing Feedback For Your HVAC Company

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: feedback is crucial, and acting on feedback is key.

Basically, we understand that communication is a looped process, cyclical with the feedback factor completing the loop. 

Digital marketing requires that you keep in view your feedback from different channels: how much engagement, how many clicks, how much revenue generated, you know, the whole shebang. 

Not only is it helpful in gauging your RoI, but it is also very helpful in gauging how well your HVAC marketing bid went and where, if anything, went wrong. 

It gives you a chance to rectify any mistakes for future reference or any other marketing efforts that might follow. 

For instance, HVAC contractors and marketers frequently target the wrong audience. This is obviously visible from the feedback of an HVAC campaign, which gives you an idea of what to do next.

15. Go Above And Beyond For The Customer

The best marketer you can get on your case is your customer. That is why we consider the customer reviews an important part of your feedback cycle and marketing bid. 

Therefore, it would be doing your HVAC business a favor if you treat the customer like a king, and go above and beyond for their service. 

Word-of-mouth is still a very powerful and potent tool, and if a customer is beyond satisfied with your HVAC prowess and service, they will definitely recommend it to their associates, and most people are more likely to follow their advice. 

Therefore, invest in your customers for a change and watch the business leads pour in just because a customer of yours told their friend about you. It is so simple but requires dedication and service on your part.

HVAC digital marketing cta


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